Thursday, October 31, 2019
Assessment Based Learning Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assessment Based Learning Goals - Essay Example teacher and the student and the teacher is in a better position to design the lesson in such a way that it is easily understood by the targeted audiences. The main advantage of conducting classroom based assessment is that it helps the teacher to gain first hand information about the measures that can be taken to improve the teaching and learning English Language Learners. Three goals for student learning based on classroom assessment are discussed below. The first goal is to check for language proficiency in terms of reading and pronouncing different words. The students are asked to read different words and they are also asked if they can remember the concepts discussed during the lesson in class. As a recap, the teacher will ask the student to mention the things he or she still remembers from the lesson that has been conducted on that particular day. Language proficiency is developed through constant practice and this helps the English Learners to grasp basic concepts and words as well as to develop their speech. The other goal is to ensure that student teacher interaction is conducted in English no matter how bad it may be. This helps the students especially from lower backgrounds to master some English terms as well as to create confidence among them so that they can quickly learn this language. However, the teacher needs to permit the use of the student’s first language in a situation where they would be explaining certain concepts that appear to be difficult. The last goal is to check if the student is capable of trying to work out the meaning of certain terms and statements on his or her own without consulting the teacher or other students. Working on the meaning of certain terms on their own is a very effective strategy that can help the students to quickly understand English as a second language. The teacher should try to break certain words and explain the meanings of different components such as their roots, prefixes or suffixes. This helps the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Protecting and Improving Quality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Protecting and Improving Quality - Assignment Example s, equity in the provision of health services, efficient utilization of resources, effectiveness, timeliness, and focusing on patients needs (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Joint effort may be required to help organization achieve its goals. As a leader, measures that will be taken to improve the quality include implementing IT because it will revolutionize service delivery in the health sector. It is also important to bring all stakeholders on board for them to be involved in the search for quality services. Sensitive issues about the sector should be resolved amicably to avoid deadlocks which may hamper the delivery of improved service delivery (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Medication errors arise because of negligence from health practitioners. Controlling risks and putting safety measures in place needs a serious focus on the systems will aid in making errors severe. Medication safety refers to preventing accidents to patients who have come to seek medication. Lack of safety measures can make health institutions to be sued because of failure to comply with the set safety standards. Legal suits may interfere with operations of the facilities (Lewin, Altman, & Institute of Medicine, 2000). In order to improve quality service in the health sector, performance of professionals in this sector needs to be evaluated frequently. Such evaluation may help to ensure health practitioner improves their performance (Institute of Medicine of the national academics,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Dalai Lama And The Tibet Politics Essay
The Dalai Lama And The Tibet Politics Essay General Background: The Tibet is an autonomous region which is located in China and beside Nepal, this region was an independent country in 10th century, but it has suffered many invasions from the Mongol empire until an English invasion. In 1904, a British army gets to the Tibet and in 1906 the Tibet becomes a British protectorate; in 1907 Great Britain and Russia gives sovereignty to China; in 1912, 1931-1933 and in 1949 there are several attempts of Tibets independence. The Dalai Lama has been involved in this problem since 1904 when he was exiled in Mongolia, since this date he has been promoting the liberalization of the Tibet. Since 1949 that China invaded the Tibet there has been a loss of the Tibets liberty by the communist ideology of China, since this year China gave the power to the Dalai Lama in terms of internal issues but education and culture is managed by China. China and Tibet have had several disputes through many years because of the want of the Tibet for independence and the want of China of the Tibet as a definite region of China and the Dalai Lama has been affected by this conflict because he is a pacific mediator and has lost his credibility. The Dalai Lama as a politic figure does not recognize: the social system, the Tibet as a part of a Chinese territory, he insists in making The Tibet an independent republic and take out any person who is not a Tibetan citizen. This situation is a conflict, not only because it is a long term issue but also because it has involved a lot of persons and it has been difficult to find a solution to the problem. Since the conflict starts, around 1900-1907 with the invasion of the Tibet by United kingdom and China and continue escalation all the XX Century, this conflict has involved a lot of Chinas generations and Tibets generations, now the kids of both regions not only know the conflict, but also are determined to fight for the specific objectives that each region has. This conflict has a lot of issues that apparently are not able to negotiate: the different cultures of the regions are the protagonist (parties) of the conflict, and like every culture around the world they are trying to protect their believes and values as hard as possible, no one wants to negotiate even a custom. This issue has faced some of the most important people in the history, Mao Tse Tung and Dalai Lama, both with no congruent objectives what made so difficult a negotiation between them. The conflict starts not only by a land interest but also cultural affairs en which both sides dont want to give a step back in order to protect their culture and their sovereignty, unfortunately this has caused a lot of damage in the region, a lot of violent deaths. Human Rights organizations estimate that a many more than 1 million people lost their lives, and also that a lot more than 100,000 people are living in exile in India, Nepal and other countries; frustration in some people who want to protect their family and rancour (Ill feeling). The above confirms the affirmation that the Tibets conflict is a cultural derived problem: as it was told before, the parties are trying to protect their cultural and economic believes, but also each leader has entered the game to protect their own thoughts and culture with which he was raised There are many perceptions in this conflict; China argues that Tibet is part of china since hundreds of years, because of the dynastic unions between them and the conquerors made by China through history. This contrasts with the argument that gives the Tibet that China has controlled them using the force and has imposed them his traditions also the Tibet views China as a different country with its own traditions. Tibet civilians feel that the China government does not respect them and that they are treated in a different way than the China civilians are treated. This conflict is intractable now that Tibet and China have had strong discussions and wars, both have suffered many deaths because of this and there still exists a conflict of values and customs between both, in spite of the fact that many countries have gotten its independence either in pacific or horrible ways since the Tibet doesnt have the support of the strong countries nor NGOs it is really complicated for it to get to its main objective. In a future the conflict could be tractable if they start to develop a good international relationship and try to find a way to solve their differences and get to a win-win situation. This conflict is systemic now that it involves more than two parties, there have been third parties involved such as Great Britain, Nepal, Mongolia and nowadays United States is mediating. Also, there have been several issues such as geographical, resource issues, ideological issues and custom issues. There are three main sources of the conflict: conflict of interests and values because both have the same interests but here comes the goal conflicts which are different, while China wants the Tibet to be part of his domain, the Tibet wants freedom. This conflict is presented in an intergroup level of organization now that it is between China as a whole and the Tibet as a whole and having the Dalai Lama as a mediator but more towards defending Tibet. A big problem is that in spite of the fact that there are two distinguished parties; one is inside the other one, because Tibet is located in the south west of Chinas territory. Stages Latent conflict: the conflict started to appear when Great Britain and Russia give the sovereignty over Tibet to China, because since then China has the government of Tibet, controls almost all the factors that influence the region. Conflict emergence: Dalai Lama had had the government of Tibet for a while and the Chinas army made an invasion where Tibet was forced to face the direct loss of life and freedom. Escalation: Dalai Lama was ruling in parallel with Chinese government but when Tibetan territory was considered a Chinese province, there was developed a rebellion against China. Chinas army killed a lot of Tibetans so Dalai Lama had to escape to India. This conflict reached an escalated form because several characteristics, among them are the constant search for independence from Tibet, the disrespect of human rights for Tibetans, coalition of ideologies (Tibetans are against communist ideology or social system) and the principal is that China is not willing to lose Tibet because that land is very rich in minerals. In general there are a lot of issues in terms of politics, the nature of society, law, human rights, religion, culture, the identity of people, the economy, and the state of the natural environment. The condition that most encouraged this escalation was that China killed a lot of people and its trying to impose communism, and by the other side, China sees Tibetan religion as a big threat to the communist party so they dont let Tibetans to act against their principles and Tibetans dont want to accept them because their unique leader is Dalai Lama and rightness is what Buddhism establishes. This escalation is considered a rational action because there have been simultaneous activities that have encouraged this conflict, Dalai Lama and Tibetans are defending their culture, religion and territory, and China is reacting to Tibet rejection to its ideologies and is not willing to lose this land. Both parties tend to use distributive strategies because they look for keeping the same territory and their own ideologies so their motivations and interests are incompatible, where a win-lose situation takes place, for example, Tibetans ideal situation is having freedom, being directed by Dalai Lama and the right to develop their own religion and culture not the ones that Chinese government is imposing them, so they use strategies like claiming for peaceful negotiation and agreements to get to a deal where they can get the so called Tibetan independence, but instead, China uses stronger strategies like invasion and imposition. This conflict is being managed in the way that there have been some temporal agreements that are good for both and help maintaining peace but sometimes they have been disrupted by one of the two parties. Nowadays, Dalai Lama has a government in exile, hes directing Tibet from the outside but Tibetans and he will fight until he can get back to his motherland and reach independence. The conflict is mainly of competitive nature since both territories are fighting over the domain of the Tibet. They are trying to earn international trust and support from other countries to each one of them get to its goals and interests. This is why it is a continuous competition. Is there any trust within the parties? To answer this question we have to say the types of trust that we know: The identification based trust, and the calculus based trust. So the first one is inexistent in the conflict, because this kind of trust is based on the identification with the other since you have the same goals, interests, meetings, activities and other things (in common), and it is evidential that the Chinese government and the Tibetan population have different interests, goals and activities, for example: the Goal of the Chinese government is to control The Tibet, and the goal of the Tibetan is to control herself. So according to the latest, there is one trust yet, the calculus based trust, this one is the one in which you analyze the possible rewards or punishment that you will have if you trust the other. As well as the Identification based trust, the calculus based trust is inexistent too, why?, it is because of the continuous attacks made by the Chinese and Tibetan , government and population respectively, so both motivated by the past have a perception in which they won`t trust each other, because they have been punished in the past. We think that they in the future can trust each other, but the first step to do it is by the calculus based trust, they have to be concern that they are causing problems to both sides so they have to create this calculus based trust by no attacking the other, by accomplishing what they say and finally negotiate about this conflict in a problem solving way, and maybe in a far future they can have an identification based trust. If a specific tactic is scheduled as unethical, it will depend of the ethical approach: for example, it could be said that the military massacre that occurred in 1959 by the hands of China is ethical if we analyze the issue in an End result way, but if we analyze it in Social contract way (Point of view of the countries outside the conflict) it will be said that is totally unethical. Based and the Social Contract analysis, it has been unethical tactics for both parties: China has invaded and killed in the Tibet area, also China has tried to create a bad reputation of the Dalai Lama. By the Tibet side, it can be said that some militia has used the force, and there are some comments about the manipulation that Dalai Lama could do through culture and regional feelings (emotional manipulation). The conflict had some negotiations, for example in 1950, China -commanded by Mao Tse Tung- entered to the Tibet with 40000 soldiers, this attack impose to the Tibetan leaders to accept a an alliance called Agree of 17 points, in which the communist leaders of China and the leaders of the Tibet, agreed in the restoration of the China`s sovereignty in Tibet, this alliance was signed in May of 1951. According to this we can conclude that the Chinese government had negotiated, and in this negotiation the Chinese government put his interests over the Tibetan population using his power to dominate them, so is a domination style. CONCLUSION The conflict between China and the Tibet comes since hundreds of years, across the history the Tibet has done revolutions to be free and China has made campaigns to dominate the Tibet , and fewer times that China has negotiated, China has used a dominated style (win-lose situation), the winner has been China, who is the owner of Tibet. The Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibet is hidden on India, he had been attacked by China with a bad-image campaign, and the China government is discriminating the Tibetans population, China puts his interests over the Tibet interests. China has some interests on the Tibet like the geopolitical strategy -The Tibet has a lot of natural resources that China is interested in-, the power, the cultural issues and the imposition of socialism.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Inspector Muggins leaned back in his chair and took a long puff of his cigar, with the joyous air of a man who is paid to do nothing but sit in his office and do nothing but waste away the day. Which is exactly what Muggins did. The town Muggins lived in was a quiet one, so he never actually did any work. So when the phone rang it came to him as a suprise. So much of a surprise, in fact, that Muggins fell off his chair. The first thing that appeared above the Inspector’s desk was a shiny, bald head, followed by a pair of beady, piercing eyes, and then a most amazing ginger handlebar moustache, which was finely treated and rather oily. This moustache bristled angrily, and rose a couple of feet as Muggins stood up and brushed himself off. The phone kept ringing, until Muggins picked up the receiver. He was greeted by a voice, which suggested that the caller was very stressed, and slightly hysterical. â€Å"Hello? Hello? Is anybody there?†â€Å"Inspector Muggins, Police Department†Replied the Inspector, in a practiced, professional calm. â€Å"Quick! A†¦ a murder! !†â€Å"I see. Just stay calm ma’am, I’ll be right over†â€Å"Yes, Inspector. Thank you, Inspector†There was a click and the line went dead. Muggins picked up his nametag, took one last swig of whisky, threw on his overcoat, and strode out the door. There was a grey fog descending over the town which was accompanied by a grey drizzle. Muggins frowned at the sky, and picked up the pace a bit. A thin ray of sunlight caught Muggins’ nametag. â€Å"Bill Muggins†it read. â€Å"Chief Inspector, Caldwood Police Station†. Bill halted outside a particularly Enormous house, painted a gleaming white, which looked a bit dull through the drizzle. Bill walked up the never ending maze of a garden path, ... ...ontinued to talk.. â€Å"I’m going to kill you, Bill. And I’m going to enjoy it.†â€Å"Wh†¦ why did you kill Paul?†â€Å"Why? Because I hated everything about him he had the looks, the money, there wasn’t one thing he didnt have. And what did I have? I had nothing i was the runt of the litter and I was through with it. IM DONE!!†He roared the last words. â€Å"I can’t let you turn me in, Bill. I can’t. I don’t want to go to jail, and it would wreck the whole feeling of revenge. That’s why I’m going to kill you. Bill’s whole body froze as the cold, black gun muzzle touched his neck. He tried to scream but nothing came out he couldn’t do anything he was done for.. All people heard was a bang and a thud. When they came to see what happened, all they saw was a body, with blood flowing from a hole in his neck. And, off in the forest behind the house, Spencer Dawson began to laugh.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Sanofi-Aventis Pakistan Limited Pharmaceuticals vs Glaxosmithkline
Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition In Pakistan, Sanofi-Aventis and GlaxoSmithKline are pharmaceutical companies that market popular products and carry very similar medications. Companies like these have the mission and responsibility of providing medicines and vaccinations to better people’s live in different countries and communities. One of the largest and leading pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan is the Sanofi-Aventis Pakistan Limited. The chains put most of their focus on therapeutic areas such as: cardiovascular, thrombosis, oncology, central nervous systems function, metabolic disorders, internal medicine, and vaccinations (Sanofi, 2010). GlaxoSmithKline is also known for developing some of the nation’s leading global medicines in the fields of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. The strategic management methods this manufacturer has chosen to use has made them a leader in the industry, among its competitors with respect to changing markets and growth trends. In 2007, the number one rated pharmaceutical company was GlaxoSmithKline, which has fount its continued success in making very wise business decisions like delivering almost 1 billion vaccines to developing countries in 2009 (GlaxoSmithKline, 2010). Diseases such as cardiovascular issues, thrombosis, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other major illnesses have been crucial public health issues for Pakistan because they have been proven to be a main contributor to the total global mortality rates. It is for this reason that companies like Sanofi-Aventis and GlaxoSmithKline have concentrated so much of their research efforts on those specific issues and areas. The result has resulted in a world-renowned reputation of expertise for both in the industry. The following paper will explain why the medications that are produced by the companies above are competitive in both domestic and global markets, and it will compare and contrast the quality management for these two organizations. Sanofi-Aventi’s is a multi-national organization and is currently the third-largest pharmaceutical group both France and Europe. It is an all-inclusive business as it conducts research, development, manufacturing, marketing the featured pharmaceuticals, and the company was formed in 2004 when the initial company, Sanofi-Synthelabo, bought out Aventis. Aventis had originally rejected the bids, and this turned into a three-month war until Sanofi-Synthelabo finally offered the acceptable bid of $54. 5 billion (Sanofi, 2010). After the bidding war was over, the Chairman of Sanofi-Aventis, Jean-Francois Dehecq, and the CEO, Gerard Le Fur, started the process of emphasizing the importance of customer service and their commitment to excellent service for the people who relied on their medications. Over the last several years, pricing and other various competitive methods and strategies of companies like these have been changing with technological developments, economic changes, federal legislation, and state drug substitution laws (Federal, 2010). With these impending changes, the overall market has undergone structural transformations as well that include the growth of the market for generic drugs, and company consolidations. The nature of this kind of competition is naturally subject to constant globally institutional and structural changes. GlaxoSmithKline has had a very notable history in the pharmaceutical industry as well since the early eighteenth century, and they are headquartered in the U. K. This company conducts business in the U. S. and boasts an estimated seven percent of the world’s total pharmaceutical market. Both company’s visions and plans were to become new, progressive companies were with great enthusiasm and vigor, as they had a clear vision of the desire to motivate the employees in almost 100 countries. Luckily, they already demonstrated an extensive portfolio of cutting-edge medications, reliable service to their patients and an overall commitment to the quality of life, so these factors enabled the company to continue to achieve their performance goals and meet the responsibilities they had to their communities. Coupled with evolving information technology and regular industry changes, there was and continues to be an increasing benefit and need for companies to choose and then charge differing prices to people in corresponding economic brackets. The competitive implications of these differential pricing tactics have offered companies like Sanofi-Aventi and GlaxoSmithKline the opportunities to spread their business over larger areas, more hospitals, and to involve themselves in other segments of demand by making themselves more flexible in the industry. These kinds of practices have probably changed the way they have partially because specific types of buyers as well as manufacturers have adopted and implement cost-controlling measures that are similar to those that have been used by traditional hospitals (Federal, 2010). The Sanofi-Aventis Industrial Affairs organization has been proven to be totally committed to providing the highest quality of service to its customers and patients, taking into consideration all of the current protocols of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) the company takes from its plants that are based at Karachi & Wah Cantt (Sanofi, 2010). As with almost any other organization, quality and the amount of productivity are very important and regularly monitored, and there is a great emphasis placed on maintaining Health and Safety codes in order to keep the employees safe on the job. During 2005, the Industrial Affairs department of Sanofi-Aventis continued to focus on committing their time and energy to providing the highest quality of customer service, while meeting their own production goals. GlaxoSmithKline has been experiencing their own specific challenges due to regulatory issues, patent expiration issues, and increased pressures that are coming from different healthcare providers that have created an environment of tension, lower growth rates, and higher risk for the company. They are addressing these challenges with three priorities: grow and expand on a diversified global business foundation, delivering quality products of high value, and finally simplifying the general operating model. The Pakistani pharmaceutical market has been and remains to be weighed down with financial and producing difficulties. Government regulations and control over fixed prices has made many of the drugs offered unaffordable to consumers, and this has resulted in people searching for what they need on the black market at increased prices, or the drugs have just disappeared completely. In this kind of high-tension environment, both global manufacturers and local foreign-owned companies have proven that they are not able to make the profits needed for capital investment. Currently, there are no formal public drug reimbursement programs, although patent laws became more regulated in December 2000 (Sanofi, 2010). In the year 2002, Pakistan’s regulation laws became even weaker than they had been. In reaction to this, the formation and recruitments of drug inspection teams were brought in to investigate the manufacturing and sales of fraudulent drugs, but unfortunately have not had satisfactory results so far, largely due to a lack of necessary resources and various bureaucratic complications. Though both Sanofi-Aventis and GlaxoSmithKline have been suffering from the declines of sales and the resulting losses in profitability for the past few years, the companies continue to make every effort to not only regain their positions in the industry, but to exceed expectations. The ways in which quality management can have major affects on the current position of both of these companies in both a domestic and the global market are to keep their focus on their core competitive edge and to work to further improve its internal controls within each company. The sales forces for any pharmaceutical company are considered to be the back-bone of the industry, and both companies will most likely begin to thrive when they create and develop a successful sales force to improve their future prospects as the economy improves
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Should Cell Phones be allowed in School? Essay
Do you take your cell phone with you to work, and use it all day long for organization and needed communication? Well, school to us students is like our work, but our organization and communication tool is prohibited. Cell phones have so many positive uses in the classrooms, yet at the same time we aren’t putting our current technology to good use. For example, cell phones in our school are banned, and I feel that this should be changed immediately. The many benefits of cell phones in school are the following: they increase student participation, student/teacher safety, student organization, and student records and grades. Technology is surrounding the world today, it is used in every aspect including hospitals, office buildings, and fire departments, even in schools. I feel there is no need to ban the use of cell phones in schools, they can help in many different ways. By keeping our community updated with all the new technologies out there will help make a more useful point to all of these new gadgets. Let’s face it, modern technology is fun, and students love to have fun. Moreover, if we bring that exciting technology into the classroom than we can create a more relaxed and enjoyable environment for the students and the teachers. For instance, instead of taking notes in class the students can record a lecture so that they could replay it back while doing homework. In addition, if in science the students do a lab experiment then they can take a video of that lab and replay it for homework and further understanding. Furthermore, classes can download a school program onto their phones and the teachers can use it in the classroom. According to a Speak Up survey, 62 percent of parents report that if their child’s school allowed cell phones to be used in school they would probably purchase a cell phone for their child. Read more: Argumentative Essay on Cell Phones in School As a result, the school would not have to worry about supplying the students with phones, and most students already have cell phones. This is only one great way that cell phones are beneficial. When students carry around cell phones they also increase student and teacher safety. For example, if someone falls down the stairs and gets badly injured students can call the ambulance quicker than telling a teacher and then having to call. Also, if there is a school intrusion somebody can call the authorities with their cell phones. Consequently, if students do not have cell phones in these types of emergencies then help will not be provided soon enough. In other words, students need to have cell phones in school in case these emergencies happen. On the other hand, cell phones are also organization tools. For instance, the other day I came home from school and started my regular routine. I let my two dogs out, then grabbed a snack and sat down with my book bag. Then I preceded to take out my assignment book, but what I found, however, is that I appeared to have left my assignment book in my locker. Again. When this happens I have only my memory to tell me what my homework was, and that is not very reliable after a long day at school. I do have my phone with me, however. If we were allowed to have cell phones in school I could have plugged my homework into the calendar for today, and as a result have been able to do it. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about carrying around that small book with scribbled assignments in it. Students always check their phones when they are at home, so every time they pick up their cell phone they would be reminded of their homework tonight. And if a student had a test the next day the teachers could remind the students to set an alarm telling them to study that night. If students are better reminded about their homework, grades will go up because students will be doing their homework. The school will also save money because they will not have to buy assignment books. It is realistic that there will always be bulling through text message, online, or face to face, although if someone is bulling another student through text message that student could save these messages as proof to show authority of what was really said. There will always be problems with cheating on tests, although to solve this problem since the teacher already knows that every student has a cell phone, the students would have to take their cell phones out, turn them off and place them on the corner of their desks during test time. The use of cell phones in school may take away the students urge to use them, which would than create a better learning place for these students.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Cite a Source and Why Citations are Important
How to Cite a Source and Why Citations are Important What is a Citati​on? A citation is something that you include in your writing when you use information provided by another person. The purpose of this is to give the other person fair credit for their work and insight. It is also to give readers information on the source you used, in case they want to do their own investigating. The particular way in which you cite a source depends on the citation format/style you are using, and how you are using the cited information. There will be more about that later as we discuss how to cite a source. Why is it Important to Cite Your Sources? In addition to giving your readers important information and giving proper intellectual credit, citing a source gives your paper additional credibility. The first and most obvious point is that you are not taking credit for another persons work. The second is that you backing your writing up with evidence and inviting your readers to verify what you have said. Then, there is the matter of academic honesty. Using another persons work and not giving them credit is plagiarism. It doesnt matter if you dont use any direct quotes. If you have an uncredited summary, you are at risk of being accused of plagiarism. What is the Best Way to Learn How to Cite Your Sources Several years ago, this advice would have been different. We would have advised students to simply buckle down and learn the various citation requirements for inline citations, works cited pages, footnotes, and bibliographies. This would have also included learning to write annotations. Today, this is no longer necessary. Modern technology has made it easy to figure out how to cite your work. Academic Databases and Citations When you log into an academic database, either your schools or an external database, and access an article to read you will be given information on how you are to cite that source. In many cases, you even have the option to select your citation format and you will be provided with the citation that you can simply copy and paste. Many articles that are stored on these databases also have notes in their text on how you should cite them. Scholarly Articles and Citations If you use a search engine to search for scholarly articles, you will often get the same results as you do when accessing an academic database. All of the work of writing the citation is done for you. All you need to do is copy and paste the citation in the proper space. Apps for Citing Sources Finally, there are many services available that will help you cite your sources. With these websites, all you need to do is find your service online, and they will format your citation for you. If you are using a hard copy of a source, you can scan the barcode, and a source will be created for you. How could things be any easier?
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Global Warming as a Fact or Fiction essay
buy custom Global Warming as a Fact or Fiction essay Global warming refers to the rising of the earths atmospheric temperature usually caused by human or manmade activities and other natural causes such as volcanic activity. The highest percentage of global warming has been caused by human activities, which include; charcoal burning, coal mining, ranching and use of fertilizers when farming, which releases green house gases (Budzianowski, 2011). Such gases may include carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. Deforestation also leads to increased rise in temperatures since the cut down trees would have trap the heat emanating from these activities. Effects of Global warming Low food production The rise in temperature will cause changes in the rainfall patterns, which will lead to high rainfall or dry seasons. During dry seasons, there will be little or no water for irrigation while during heavy rains, large hectares of land will be flooded according to Hutchings Gibson (2010). As a result, food production will be low and thus, low food supply. Rise in food prices Low food supply and high demand for food will lead to hiking of food prices because people will be competing for the little that the suppliers are able to bring to the market. Increased Diseases Global warming will also lead to increased diseases brought about by malnutrition due to low food production, heat waves, increased insects e.g. anopheles mosquitoes lading to more diseases such as malaria. Increased deaths More people will lose their lives because of ailments and diseases, drowning in case of heavy rains, hunger due to drought and famine that leads to low food production. Animals will also not have food to eat and will therefore die from hunger and malnutrition. Increased government spending and loss of government revenues Floods will demand from the government money to be relocated to areas where there are no heavy rains. Government will also spend more during drought and famine in feeding those affected. Global warming will lead to melting of ice caps and wildfires will most definitely destroy the tourist attraction sites such as mountains. There will be fewer tourists visiting those sites and this will reduce the governments revenue. Loss of property Properties worth millions and billions of money will be damaged due to heavy rains. Cost to the employers will therefore increase and reduce profits or revenues (Ball, 2007). These costs will be in forms of increased repair and maintenance costs, cost of buying materials for rebuilding again, cost of supervision and cost of paying the constructors. Global warming can be reduced through the following ways Recycle and reuse Papers should be reused and recycled since this will combat deforestation, which causes global warming. Strict measures, rules and regulations The government should come up with laws, rules and regulations that will help reduce deforestation and charcoal burning according to Boretti Watson (2011). Those who defy such laws should be imprisoned or pay some charges as expressed in the Acts of parliament with regard to such matters. Campaigns and Education The government and other stakeholders should be actively be involved in creating awareness among people about what is global warming, their causes and effects. The government can also incorporate a subject about global warming in the education system (Dash Wu, 2011). This way, people will become more informed and global warming will be reduced considerably. Energy conservation Alternative products which consume less energy should be used e.g. a compact fluorescent bulb can replace a usual light bulb, insulators can also be used, people should walk more as opposed to driving wherever possible (Ray, 2010). Conclusion In a nutshell, global warming is a subject of concern and from the above discussion it is indeed true that global warming is manmade. Its causes are something that can be reduced if not eliminated (Connor, 2005). If so, their effects, therefore, can be reduced a great deal and thus lives and properties can be saved. It is for that reason that everyone should take upon themselves in ensuring that global warming becomes an issue of the past. Buy custom Global Warming as a Fact or Fiction essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Advertising job likes and dislikes listening exercise
Advertising job likes and dislikes listening exercise In this listening comprehension you will hear a woman speaking about what she likes and dislikes about her advertising industry job. Listen to what she says and decide whether the following statements are true or false. You will hear the listening twice. Try to listen without reading the listening transcript. After you have finished, check your answers below to see if you have answered the questions correctly. Listen to the selection. Advertising Job Quiz Her job is extremely diverse.She spends a lot of time on the phone.She telephones people to ask them survey questions.The most important thing is what people think.They can lose jobs if sales decrease.She enjoys the artistic nature of her job.Her best idea came when she was brainstorming.Brainstorming is done alone.One great idea alone can bring success.You can lose your job easily.What profession does she work in? Listening Transcript Well, everyday for me is different. I mean to say that some days I speak to clients for hours and hours, and try to convince them that our ideas are the best.  A lot of my time is spent on research. Well, we have to deal with all the viewing and readership figures. We make up our own surveys to discover what a cross section of people think. We dont just look at what people think, but because what really counts is: What sells the goods? The simple fact is that if we dont show a rise in sales we lose a customer. The part I really enjoy is the creativity. Its funny really. I get ideas in the most peculiar places. The best idea I ever got was one time when I was sitting in the bath. I jumped out and wrote it down immediately. We also do what we call brainstorming. That is: pooling and sharing our ideas. And we get the best ideas this way. That is as a result of teamwork. I mean, alright, we depend on everybody being creative, and this often happens best when youre working alone. But without a good team, no campaign has a hope in hell of succeeding. A good agency is, in fact, a team of individuals who work well alone, but also together. Hmmm, the drawbacks. Now, the biggest drawback of my work is that you stand or fall by your results. If you cant think of new ideas, or you make an expensive mistake then you get fired. And youre out of a job. Thats always worrying, I can tell you. Quiz Answers True - Every day is different. She states Well, everyday for me is different.True - Sometimes she spends hours and hours on the phone with one client. She states, I speak to clients for hours and hours and try to convince them that our ideas our best.False - She does research on data they get from surveys. She states A lot of my time is spent on research.False - Sales is the most important thing. She states ... because what really counts is: What sells the goods?True - If sales dont rise, they can lose a customer. She states The simple fact is that if we dont show a rise in sales we lose a customer.True - She really enjoys the creativity. She states The party I really enjoy is the creativity.False -She was sitting in a bath. She states The best idea I ever got was one time when I was sitting in the bath. False - Brainstorming is when everybody gets together to come up with ideas. She states ... we call brainstorming. That is: pooling and sharing our ideas.Fals e - Teamwork is required for success. She states A good agency is a team of individuals who work well alone, but also together. True - If you make a mistake you can get fired. She states If you make an expensive mistake then you get fired. Advertising
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Culture in the period of Renaissance Assignment - 2
Culture in the period of Renaissance - Assignment Example According to the research findings, Florentine Francesco Petrarch says that â€Å"neither exhortations to virtue nor the argument of approaching death should deliver us from literature; for in a good mind it neither excites the love of virtue, and dissipates, nor at least diminishes, the fear of death†. He criticized the rewarding of studies as he viewed this as a mere need to fulfill one’s self-confidence instead of gaining wisdom through learning. Studies can help even the weak mind in the society. Learning and studying should be given equal chances and not be left to the ones that are thought to be powerful and elite. He gives an example of Cato, he says that Cato struggled with literature; he started with Latin literature when he was young and later Greek literature when he became old. The attitude towards literature or studies changed in the Renaissance period, Petrarch is even devout fully says in the letter to Boccaccio that even the world does not accuse Paul th at his head will be turned by studies. During the period of Renaissance, the great cultural figures were men. Before the time of renaissance came women had no place in the society. The attitude of women changed during this time and some women epitomized the strength of a woman. It during this time that some women were able to produce works, achieve recognition, and defend women against male detractors. Cultural production was enhanced on the part educating the girl child. There was a very negative attitude of men towards women that educating women would corrupt their morals. She says that some men don’t base their arguments on reason, and for that matter they are wrong. Men opposing the ideology of educating a woman are viewed as the not very clever men avoiding competition from women. The attitude of women empowerment that was achieved during the renaissance time has changed the perception of educating women, though there is still some resistance even today from some men.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Managing Human Capital Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Managing Human Capital Assignment - Essay Example People are complex, and the elements that motivate the human will involve more than the material or financial. Figure 1 is an author’s conception of the gamut spanned by the human resource reward system in an organization. Rewards may be intrinsic or extrinsic; intrinsic rewards are those values that an employee perceives he attains when he performs a certain job well. The value pursued by the employee is intangible, and the flawless execution of the job is itself its own reward, from which the employee derives immeasurable personal satisfaction. Factors that may enhance intrinsic rewards to the employee include the ability to participate in decision-making, relative freedom and discretion on the job, the assignment of work the employee finds more interesting, and the opportunity for personal growth, among others. There are likewise rewards that are of an extrinsic nature, that is, the source of the personal satisfaction derived by the employee is not part and parcel of the job itself, but is a result of the workings of the company’s incentive policies and system. Extrinsic rewards may be classified as either financial or non-financial. Financial rewards may be performance based (e.g. piecework, incentive pay plans, performance bonuses and merit pay plans), implied membership based (e.g.. profit sharing, cost of living increases, time-in-rank increase), and explicit membership based (e.g. protection programs, pay for time not worked, and services and perquisites). Those non-financial rewards include preferred office furnishing, assigned parking spaces, and ability to determine one’s preferred work assignments. Reference to different types of rewards or combinations thereof shall be made in the discussion. Merit issues span a broad and differentiated set of considerations, but which principally involve the determination of those aspects of
Alcan case study analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Alcan case study analysis - Essay Example In its entirety, business management is highly critical and constantly evolving especially in the aspect of resources, and this is the central idea where the Alcan case revolves around, managing the work force, because people is the most essential asset of any business that hopes to be successful for the long term2. In the Alcan case, the conflict created by lack of communication and the inability to effectively manage the work force created placed the smelting industry at risk of loosing enormously even to a point of closure. The succeeding paragraph will therefore attempt to dissect each of the issues contributing to the tension as well as the solutions that were implemented, ending the rift between management and labor union. The main issue involved in the Alcan Case is Industrial labor relations creating an impact in the productivity of the manufacturing plant. In an industry that utilizes human resource as the main key to productivity, human resource management plays an imperative role in the sustainability of that industry whereby excellent degree of skills are required to handle issues from recruitment requisites, skills training and performance ensuring personnel and management policies conforming to regulations. Managing the work force as well production is a very complicated task that requires a higher level of understanding of theories related to management and organization. There are many proponents to these theories, and almost all of them are relevant to the issues present in the Alcan Case. It is important to note that the core of the Alcan issue involves the increasing grievances of the workers owing to the tension within. Among the theory applicable to this case is the system theory whereby managers are to recognize the various parts of the organization when attempting to resolve issues There are several contemporary theory of management, among them includes contingency, system and chaos theory. Contingency theory asserts that when managers make a decision, they must take into account all aspects of the current situation and act on those aspects that are key to the situation at hand3. System theory on the other hand, helps managers view the organization from a broader perspective, since this theory brought a new perspective for the interpretation of patterns and events in the workplace. It recognizes various parts of the organization, specifically the interaction and coordination within central administration with its programs, engineering with manufacturing, supervisors with workers. Chaos theory recognizes that events indeed are rarely controlled. In his article, Mcnamara claimed that many chaos theorists refer to biological systems when explaining their theory and suggest that systems naturally go to more complexity, and as they do so, these systems become more v olatile (or susceptible to cataclysmic events) and must expend more energy to maintain that complexity. As they expend more energy, they seek more structure to maintain stability. Mcnamara further said that this trend continues until the system splits, combines with another complex system or falls apart entirely. This trend is what many see as the trend in life, in organizations and the world in general4. The underlying root cause of the Alcan/Lynemouth smelting industry was a classic case of human resource mismanagement. There was an
Thursday, October 17, 2019
HIV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
HIV - Essay Example This results in the further marginalization of these groups as a result of the stigma that is associated with people who are affected by this disease. They are thus, doubly oppressed as they have to face oppression as a result of their class and their medical condition. In some cases, the situation is complicated by issues of ethnicity. This paper shall look at such details as they are found in Unity Dow’s novel Far and Beyond and Beauty’s Gift by Sindiwe Magona. The paper shall look at how the issues of race and class influence and inform the analyses that these two writers make of the problem of HIV/AIDS. The sensitivity with which the issues of how the two problems interact, is handled, shall be looked at in the paper. The paper shall also look at the complex nature of this interaction. Unity Dow’s novel, Far and Beyond, looks at the condition of women in Botswana. It is the condition of such women who are indoctrinated into believing that they are inferior to men that the novel analyses. This position is complicated by the fact that the women of this community often have to fight against diseases and medical conditions on their own as well. The novel delves deep into the family of Mara where she and her children are faced with the burden of dealing with social marginalization and the problems that are a part of living with AIDS. What the novelist hints at is the fact that in such a society, it is difficult to deal with issues such as medical care when the main preoccupation of the people who are victims is to fight off poverty. In such situations, one also needs to analyse the fact of whether such conditions of poverty are not engendered by a lack of opportunities that are a chronic problem in countries such as Botswana. Such conditions of underdevelopment also lead to problems within the legal and social frameworks for
The Importance of Providing a Quality-learning Environment for a Essay
The Importance of Providing a Quality-learning Environment for a Person with MDVI - Essay Example Teachers and families of MDVI children have a significant role to play in partnership with other organizations as early as childhood (LaVenture, 2007). Most importantly, role models should be available in this environment to help people with MDVI understand how they fit in the local society. They can be taught to work in teams and to sustain friendships. Providing a favorable environment will help these challenged individuals to overcome social awkwardness, protect themselves, and to ensure they realize their sexuality where necessary. Sarah is a twenty one year old adult with CHARGE syndrome. She has coloboma in her right eye and micropthalmia in her left. Sarah has a moderate hearing impairment and uses Makaton to communicate. She is very social and loves being around people. She has a moderate learning disability and as she has eating difficulties, her food intake needs to be monitored. Due to a heart condition, she missed a lot of schooling. Despite poor balance, Sarah likes to walk independently but when tired needs the use of her wheelchair. She is able to orientate herself well in her classroom/workshop but can get easily lost once outside. From this case study, Sarah is a MDVI young woman, who seems to associate easily with people and thus there is a high chance of her learning with ease. However, much has to be done to ensure that she takes meals and to encourage her do some activities on her own. The most motivating feature about her is that she is able to orient herself precisely in her classroom, meaning that she can develop knowledge and skills to enable her pursue her studies further. When working with people with such impairments, multidisciplinary teams such as teachers need to consider several principles such as demonstrating a number of academic studies and writing skills that are most consistent to their physical challenge.Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Niagara falls Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Niagara falls - Term Paper Example The City known as Niagara Falls was once a Township number 2 to Mount Dorchester. It was suggested that the United Empire Loyalists would inhibit it in the year 1781.Its roads were Concessions and Lines that became the main grids, the Portage Road that passes through Niagara Falls, and driveways that connect homesteads to the main arteries that became the Lundy’s Lane1. The Portage road was used to portage goods in land through the Niagara Falls in the western side of the River. The area previously was known as Mount Dorchester was renamed Stamford Township. The Stamford Township played a key role in the war of 1812- 1814 .Since the area was a major site for the battle. This battle of the Lundy’s Lane was the worst battle in Canada soil. After it ended the US, army attacked the Bridgewater Mills that was located in Dufferin Islands .There was constructions of hydroelectric stations in the first decade of the 20th century. In the 1920s and 1950s there were many projects introduced, those were essential to the development of electricity in the Niagara Falls2. Economy of Stamford flourished and this led to the development of communities in the township especially in terms of trade and commerce. The area saw a growth in tourism where the debate about who won the battle about the Lundy’s lane paved a way for tourists to visit the area. With the plentiful source of hydroelectric power by the waterfalls, many industries boomed especially electrochemical and electrometallurgical industries in the early 20th century. The industry in the 1970 and 1980s began to move out of the city due to economic recession and with the increase of global competition in the industry-manufacturing sector. Tourism was the most source of revenue for the city. In the 20th century, there was an exchange rate in comparing Canadian and US currencies where Ontario focused on tourism. The Ontario government introduced gambling to the local economies in
The Importance of Providing a Quality-learning Environment for a Essay
The Importance of Providing a Quality-learning Environment for a Person with MDVI - Essay Example Teachers and families of MDVI children have a significant role to play in partnership with other organizations as early as childhood (LaVenture, 2007). Most importantly, role models should be available in this environment to help people with MDVI understand how they fit in the local society. They can be taught to work in teams and to sustain friendships. Providing a favorable environment will help these challenged individuals to overcome social awkwardness, protect themselves, and to ensure they realize their sexuality where necessary. Sarah is a twenty one year old adult with CHARGE syndrome. She has coloboma in her right eye and micropthalmia in her left. Sarah has a moderate hearing impairment and uses Makaton to communicate. She is very social and loves being around people. She has a moderate learning disability and as she has eating difficulties, her food intake needs to be monitored. Due to a heart condition, she missed a lot of schooling. Despite poor balance, Sarah likes to walk independently but when tired needs the use of her wheelchair. She is able to orientate herself well in her classroom/workshop but can get easily lost once outside. From this case study, Sarah is a MDVI young woman, who seems to associate easily with people and thus there is a high chance of her learning with ease. However, much has to be done to ensure that she takes meals and to encourage her do some activities on her own. The most motivating feature about her is that she is able to orient herself precisely in her classroom, meaning that she can develop knowledge and skills to enable her pursue her studies further. When working with people with such impairments, multidisciplinary teams such as teachers need to consider several principles such as demonstrating a number of academic studies and writing skills that are most consistent to their physical challenge.Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Externship at Riddle Hospital Essay Example for Free
Externship at Riddle Hospital Essay During my externship at Riddle Hospital I’ve endured a great experience of what an Medical Assistant duties consist of on a daily basis. These duties are mainly multi-tasked oriented, which requires you to sometimes be able and flexible to perform your duties in a quick pace. You basically have to be on point at all times, but never overdo because this will cause you to exert yourself. Most of my duties consisted of performing EKG’s throughout the day. It became very easy and more comfortable after applying the leads and placing them in different directions that suited me to obtain a perfect reading. I’ve also had the chance to administer injections; the influenza and the pneumonia vaccines. I replaced old charts with new ones. Retrieved and wrote messages off the office voice-mail. I faxed medical documents, such as prescriptions and correspondence letters. I called patients advising them of their insurance company conducting an audit for mammograms and colonoscopy testing. I’d filed and pulled charts, I did referrals, took patient’s weight and blood pressures. I did appointment verifications and made appointments for patients. I was able to view patient’s charts to better familiarize myself with medical terms and abbrievations. I inserted documents into charts and learned how to properly arrange the documents in the charts. I was also advised about universal precautions. The others nurse’s in the office were most helpful and showed a great deal of patience whenever questions were asked and took the time to explain the faithful duties of an Medical Assistant. And without hesitating, they were always pleased with my helpful hands and always willingly to share information, advice and experiences. The Doctor’s in the office were extremely professional at all times and appreciated the help that I was to their assistant’s. The patients were also nice and understanding that I was in training and allowed me to practice on them. They were always greeting me with a warm and pleasant attitude. For the short time I was on the job I’ve began to feel like I was part of their family. Overall this was an experience I had the pleasure of being involved in and took great heed to this advancement to expand my knowledge as to becoming an Medical Assistant. I can’t begin to express the overwhelm feeling this was as I’m about to take a new journey of success in the world of healthcare. Without this experience none of this information would have been grateful to me then it is now. Because of the knowledge I’ve gained I’m able to grow in this profession with strength and stability that it takes to succeed in this business, that I can always love and enjoy by taking care of others.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Is it necessary to have VAT/GST in Hong Kong?
Is it necessary to have VAT/GST in Hong Kong? Limitations of Research: the researcher could not use all the internet sources because some of them are written in Chinese, the researcher followed the structure that is provided by you but I have noticed that there is repetition in the points that are mentioned in the objectives and the points that are mentioned in the chapter plan, also there is a repetition in the resources that are mentioned in the data and information needs and the points in relevant literature consulted. The researcher shall bear no responsibility for any confusion caused by the un-clarity of the attached document. Introduction: More than 120 countries have imposed Goods and Services Tax, the only developed country that has not imposed this tax is Hong Kong. VAT or GST has been introduced by France in 1954(Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry). All the developed countries (except Hong Kong) and most of the developing countries have followed France in imposing VAT/GST because this tax is considered: Fair: VAT/GST is considered a fair tax because it relates the amount of collected tax to the amount of consumption; the more you consume, the more you pay VAT. Simplicity: unlike any other taxes, VAT/GST is considered a straightforward tax; it is imposed according to a known percentage on the value of the products and services Efficiency: this tax is very efficient, it is very easy to collect it and it is very difficult to avoid it. Chapter2: Objectives: The purpose of this research is to find out whether VAT/GST is a suitable tax for Hong Kong or not. The research has covered very large material and literature about Hong Kong and similar economies to Hong Kong such as Singapore. The research also aimed to show that most of the governments of the world are broadening their budgets by imposing VAT/GST on customers while they are trying to reduce income and corporate taxes. Chapter3: Literature consulted: The research has covered a large part of literature published by global accredited organizations such as Price Waterhouse coopers, Ernest Young and the government of Hong Kong. The major text books have been used to give us a broad idea about the issue in research while the specialized working papers, Internet articles and government websites have been used in order to give us a clear idea about the issue in research. The research consulted working papers published by several universities and bodies in order to explain the theoretical principles behind imposing VAT/GST (Hubbard,G,R(1997)and the impact of VAT/GST on the informal sector in developed countries. Chapter4: Proposed Methodology: we can see from the above chart the deficit that have faced Hong Kong from 1997 until 2003, the revenue was very low compared to the spending which proved to be steady. †During the same year, about 70% of the total revenue collected by the Inland Revenue Department came from profits tax and salaries tax. Nevertheless, the profits and salaries tax nets are very narrow and shrinking. Less than 40% of our workforce of 3.2 million people pay any salaries tax, and only 10,000 people pay the maximum salaries tax rate of 15%. About 5% of the payers of profits tax contribute to 80% of the profits tax revenue. Further loss of profits could occur as a result of globalisation. Besides, the spread of e-commerce will have implications on all governments abilities to assess and collect business-related taxes. In this regard, both the Financial Secretary and the Secretary for the Treasury expressed their concerns on the impact of the exponential growth of e-commerce on Hong Kongs territorial-based tax system. The Government will set up a Task Force to review public finances and an independent committee on new broad-based taxes†, Wong, J(no date given) The research has depended on major questionnaire that have been distributed to citizens and companies in Hong Kong in order to get their opinion about VAT/GST tax. The response that I have got from this questionnaire has been used in predicting the change in consumption behavior by the citizens of Hong Kong. The research has also depended on comparative analysis in order to see how Hong Kong economy will be affected and how the whole tax system will be redesigned. The research depended on some graphs to illustrate the topic further. Chapter5: Data and Information needs and sources: This research needs theortical as well as practical data and comparative analysis. This research is different because it assesses the potential of something that might happen in the future. The researcher has conducted a questionnaire in order to measure the acceptance of the people to VAT and their views about the fiscal position of their country. The researcher tried to make sure that the sample is random, so the results are random too and not biased. The research required me to use some theoretical concepts in order to assess the impact of VAT. The research also depended on comparative analysis in order to see what happened to similar economies that have implemented VAT/GST. Chapter6: Chapter Plan: Understanding the principles behind using an expenditure tax like GST/VAT: Definition of GST: Goods and Services tax is imposed on: Goods and Services tax is broad-based and equitable and is capable of yielding sizeable and steady revenues. VAT or GST is a consumption tax, it is paid by the consumer of the product or the service as a percentage of the final price. It is related to all commercial activities involving the production and distribution of services; it is not charged on companies which mean that companies can deduct from their VAT liabilities the amount of tax they have paid to other taxable persons on purchases for their business activities. Hong Kong government is considering introducing VAT/GST tax in 2009(Hong Kong’s Inland Revenue). Difference between VAT and Sales Tax: VAT is imposed on every stage of production while Sales tax is actually collected in the form of extra charge by the retailer, who remits the tax to the government. VAT and the Theory of Economics: There have been a long debate between different economic schools of thought around the world about tax reform. Some economists prefer income tax to VAT/GST because it provides fair treatment to the citizens of the country while others prefer VAT/GST. According to Hubbard,G,R(1997), some economists support VAT for the following reasons: Imposing VAT instead of income tax will encourage capital accumulation and savings. Removing income and profit taxes will remove distortions in the allocation of capital among different economic sectors. A broad based consumption tax would avoid potential costly distortions of firm’s financial structures. Importance of VAT: Today it is a key source of government revenue in over 120 countries. About 4 billion people, 70 percent of the worlds population, now live in countries with a VAT, and it raises about $18 trillion in tax revenue, Liam E., Michael K., Jean-Paul B. and Victoria S(1991) VAT has advantages and disadvantages: Disadvantages of imposing VAT: VAT discourages specialist economic activity and fragmentation in the production because VAT will be fragmented; VAT encourages integration in order to avoid compounded VAT. VAT encourages financing big governments: in the 1960s, the size of governments in the US and the UK were approximately equal, in the year 2002, the size of the government in Europe have exceeded the size of the US government, many analysts attribute the difference between the sizes of the two governments to VAT, The expansion of the government will lead to higher prices and inefficient production, the thing that will lead to more taxes in the future. VAT will reduce the available capital to private businesses and raise interest rates, increasing interest rates will stifle economic growth and reduce the potential growth. Advantages of imposing VAT: VAT could finance the debt of the government because it provides stable and steady stream of income that is capable of financing development projects. VAT could reduce consumption and make the citizens of any country save and invest more money. By encouraging integration, VAT could push the economy towards mergers that will reduce the stages of production; VAT simply tends to encourage big businesses to get bigger by buying other companies, this could yield economies of scale and generate synergies.. Selectivity: the government can select the products and services that it needs to impose VAT on, for example, most government exclude food from VAT, by using VAT governments could take into its consideration the difficult economic situation of the poor and decide the exclusions that apply to them. VAT is a secure way to finance the government’s structural deficit, VAT covers most of the economic segments in the economy and it is very difficult to evade it. Introduce a historical background, economy and tax system in Hong Kong: The Modern History of Hong Kong: Hong Kong was a British dependency from the 1840s until July 1, 1997, when it passed to Chinese sovereignty as the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Pannell,C(1998). The British control of Hong Kong began in 1842, when China was forced to cede Hong Kong Island to Great Britain after the First Opium War. In 1984 Great Britain and China signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration, which stipulated that Hong Kong return to Chinese rule in 1997 as a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China. The Joint Declaration and a Chinese law called the Basic Law, which followed in 1990, provide for the SAR to operate with a high degree of economic autonomy for 50 years beyond 1997, Reference: China Connection. In the Fifties of the last century, the threat of the cold world was looming over the world. Investors were looking for a safe heaven to locate their businesses and investments in a neutral place away from the eastern and the western camps, investors found in Hong Kong a promising country that is able to deliver good business environment that could foster growth and political stability at the same time. Growth in Hong Kong depends on several other economies such as the growth in the US economy and the growth in China and Southeast Asia in general. Growth in Hong Kong is related to oil prices and world wide prices; Hong Kong is a small island with very little raw resources, it depends on exporting raw materials from abroad in order to manufacture them on its land and re-export them again to other parts of the world. Manufacturing: In 1950s, Hong Kong attracted manufacturing jobs and the vast majority of its work force where working in factories. In 1980s, Hong Kong had about 905,000 manufacturing workers and manufacturing was the most important economic sector, Economist Intelligence Unit (2003). Until 1990s, Factories were manufacturing products that depended on labour intensive work force, after that manufacturing jobs started dropping because of the climbing costs of labour and land. In 1990s, the number of manufacturing jobs was about 575,000 jobs. In 2001, the manufacturing sector contributed to less than 5% of the GDP, Economist Intelligence Unit (2003). Like most of the developed nations, Manufacturing in Hong Kong is becoming concentrated on manufacturing hi-tech products and services. The manufacturing sector has been replaced by rapidly expanding service sector, in 1991; the service sector has generated 72.3% of the GDP in Hong Kong and in 2002, the service sector has generated about 83.9% of the GDP, Economist Intelligence Unit (2003). Services: A- Banking: The banking sector is now the most important economic sector in Hong Kong, Hong Kong is currently the fifth largest banking centre in the world. Hong Kong offered investors a very good opportunity to invest in a growing emerging economy. Investors benefited from tax free capital gains and high dividends. B- Tourism: Tourism is a significant source of economic growth in Hong Kong; nearly 9 million people visit Hong Kong every year, Tourists spend around $7 billion every year. Tourism is the third source of foreign exchange reserves in Hong Kong. The banking and the tourism sectors have delivered a very good growth to the Hong Kong economy. In 1996, Hong Kongs per capita gross domestic product (GDP) was second to Japan and Singapore in Asia and exceeded that of the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, Reference: internet article: Marimari (no date given). . Sources of Success: Hong Kong offered investors business-friendly laws and gave complete freedom to the movement of capital in order to encourage investments and promote growth. Hong Kong is duty free zone and there are few barriers to trade goods and services; this has made the country an important link ring between the east and the west. Hong Kong left market forces decide wages and prices; the government did not legislate any minimum wage requirement or anti-trust laws. Competition in Hong Kong: The decline of the manufacturing sector has caused the decline of competition in Hong Kong. Competition is considered an essential part of the market system. Competition benefits consumers and businesses, it benefits consumer by lowering prices and it benefits businesses by allocating resources in a more efficient ways. Competition is very important to the health of Hong Kong economy, competition gives world economies the flexibility to adjust its prices in the case of external shock (macro-economic shock) Sturm,P, Jahangir,A, Breuer,P, Nishigaki,Y (2000). Emerging economies that depend on fixed exchange rates usually suffer from real exchange rate appreciation. The real exchange rate appreciation could be treated by either: Switching to a flexible exchange rate: according to the â€Å"law of one price†flexible exchange rate will adjust exchange rates in order to make tradable products have the same price everywhere in the world. Lowering prices: lowering prices of products is an important toll in avoiding international competition, lowering prices could only happen if the structure of the market is competitive. Having a competitive market structure in lowering prices and keeping international capital flows coming to Hong Kong. Tax Regime in Hong Kong: Hong Kong tax regime is based on a territorial-based tax regime; the tax is imposed on incomes that arise from Hong Kong, Hong Kong’ Inland Revenue. The economy of Hong Kong has gained a competitive advantage because it imposes no taxes on capital gains and dividends; this has encouraged many investors to invest in that country and established an important financial centre in Asia. Hong Kong has the following simple tax structure: Property Tax: Property tax is levied on rental income from land and buildings situated in Hong Kong. Salaries Tax: Salaries tax is imposed on incomes derived from working in Hong Kong or if incomes derived from services rendered from Hong Kong. Profits Tax: profits that are generated in Hong Kong are subject to taxes, profits of unincorporated business stands at a rate of 15% and corporations at 16.5%. The relationship between Hong Kong and the foreign exchange rate: The currency in Hong Kong is Hong Kong dollar which is pegged to the US dollar, if Hong Kong government wanted that peg to continue, it should tighten its fiscal deficit. The currency of Hong Kong is an investment asset, many investors diversify their currency allocations, this diversified allocation to the funds of the global investors results in an important cash inflow to Hong Kong. For the Hong Kong dollar to get part of the allocation, Hong Kong should stabilize its budget in order to attract more foreign investment. Analyze why the government considers launching a broad-based tax; Narrow tax base: Hong Kong has very narrow tax base, narrow tax base means that the collected revenues do not provide enough revenue to cover the expenditure of the country. If we compare TAX/GDP ratio in Hong Kong compared to other Asia Pacific and OECD countries we find out that Hong Kong has the lowest ratio of TAX/GDP. Hong Kong has a narrow tax base because the tax base is shrinking since 1998; sound tax systems are based on growing and stable (not volatile) tax base. Hong Kong has the lowest corporate tax rate among the OECD countries, the current corporate tax stands at 16%. Erosion of Tax Base: The erosion of tax base is actually a result of several factors, such as: sliding house prices, illegal betting, e-commerce and online stock trading. In the following section I will explain each of these factors separately: sliding house prices: For a long time, Hong Kong depended on land and property transactions to contribute to government revenue of Hong Kong. Collected tax from property in Hong Kong(stamp duty, rates and shares and estate duties) is well above the international benchmarks as a percentage of GDP, Property from taxes/GDP=24% for Hong Kong against 5% for the OECD and 10% for the Asia Pacific countries), Reference: Hong Kong Government, Tax Base Study. Hong Kong depends on Land sales revenues in financing its budget, this has made Hong Kong increasingly dependent on non-tax revenues. In the tax base study that has been conducted by the government of Hong Kong and KPMG consultancy, the study reports the fact that Hong Kong’s non-tax revenue is about 80% of its tax revenues against 16% for OECD benchmark. Because Hong Kong has enjoyed a buoyant business environment for years, banks started granting credit very easily to businesses, the expansion of credit was accompanied by rising house prices, land prices started going up sharply from 1984 to 1997, Gerlach, S Peng, W(2002). Many companies found working in the construction sector very profitable because they can make profit from two sources: Net profits from building new houses and buildings. Profits from capital gains resulting from continuous increase in house prices. The construction sector was one the most attractive economic sectors in the country. Foreign and national banks expanded credit to companies which operate in the construction sector; the banking sector played an â€Å"accelerator†role in the run-up of the property prices. The government in Hong Kong has constructed its tax system around the fact that land prices are going up all the time because they are in demand. Because of the financial crises of August 1997 that hit south east Asia and also because of the government policy on housing, Revenues from land sales and land utilization(lease, rent) dropped dramatically, suddenly the government found its huge revenues from land dwindling. On the 16th of January 2000, the secretary for the treasury stated that: â€Å"The other significant factor supporting our finances, in recent years, has been the high levels of revenue from land and property transactions. But as property prices stabilize, the huge windfalls are unlikely to recur in the future†illegal betting: Hong Kong’s treasury depended on revenues from betting activities in the country. Hefty taxes has made too many people start thinking about illegal betting, Schuman,M(2004). On the 16th of January 2000, the secretary for the treasury stated that: â€Å"The impact of illegal gambling and the rise of gambling through the Internet threaten to erode our income from betting tax†Hong Kong’s Home Affairs bureau said handle plunged 30% from 1996-97 to 65 billion Hong Kong dollars (US$8.3 billion; euro6.5 billion) in 2003-04, while government revenue from betting dropped from HK$12.3 billion (US$1.6 billion; euro1.24 billion) to HK$8.78 billion (US$1.13 billion; euro882 million). Meanwhile, the amount of cash and betting slips seized from illegal soccer and horse gambling operators jumped from HK$9.38 million (US$1.20 million; euro942,000) in 2001 to HK$19.7 million (US$2.53 million; euro1.98 million) in 2004, according to the government. The government said handle is projected to drop another 30% by 2007-08 if no action is taken, Reference: the associated press (2005). e-commerce: Hong Kong tax system is based upon territorial system, which means that profits and incomes that are derived from Hong Kong should be taxed according to Hong Kong tax laws, the development of e-commerce and the expansion in on-line selling to customers who are not based in Hong Kong through websites that belong to the global network makes hard for the government of Hong Kong to draw a clear line between the income that is derived from the internet and the income that is derived from Hong Kong. On the 16th of January 2000, the secretary for the treasury stated that: â€Å"The spread of e-commerce will have implications on all governments abilities to assess and collect business-related taxes. For us, the impact will be further accentuated by the territorial-base of our taxation regime†online stock market trading: the development of modern communications and the development of the financial markets made trading on-line possible from all over the world, trading has been made very easy by websites that are based on the web, the development of futures, options and spread betting markets have made possible to trade 24 hours a day. It is very hard to impose taxes on online trading because the companies who established these websites do not have a physical place in Hong Kong. On the 16th of January 2000, the secretary for the treasury stated that: â€Å"The acceleration in global stock market trading through the Internet will require us to consider whether the stamp duty we charge on stock transactions can be maintained at its present level, or whether by doing so we would impede the further development of the Hong Kong stock market†Hong Kong has a prolonged problem in tax revenues resulting from low income tax on working population and the constant decrease in the number of working individuals because of aging. The secretary of treasury addressed this problem by saying: â€Å"For we all take for granted the low level of taxation which we enjoy in Hong Kong. For example, less than 40% of the workforce pay any salaries tax, and only 10,000 people pay the maximum salaries tax rate of 15%. Companies pay profits tax at 16%, and only profits arising in Hong Kong are subject to tax. Also we have no taxes on other income or capital gains, no sales or value-added taxes on what we buy, and duty is payable on very few commodities. So much for revenue, on the expenditure side, the community expects more and better public services. An ageing population will place increasing demands on our health and welfare services. The need to tackle pollution will bring substantial costs. We need to reconcile this need for additional spending with a contracting revenue base. Based on the above reasons the treasury of Hong Kong is considering widening the tax base a strategic option. Expanding the tax base is a constitutional obligation as well as an economical obligation. Hong Kong has to reduce its deficit if it wants to keep the value of its dollar strong and able to attract investors. †¦. These sound practices are now enshrined in the Basic Law. So we are under a constitutional obligation to keep our finances in a healthy state. With a fiscal deficit last year, and a projected deficit this year and next year, the law and prudent financial management demand that we bring our finances back into the black in the near term. This would also have the added advantage of maintaining our fiscal reserves at the level necessary to help support the Hong Kong Dollar, an indisputable requirement given the events of 1998. 5- Aging population: Hong Kong has an aging population; this has put an increasing pressure on the social security system and the infrastructure. This has made the secretary of the treasury to state: The directions indicate that the continuation of current revenue and expenditure policy is not an option Considered that introducing general consumption tax is the most suitable for Hong Kong? In order to see if the general consumption tax is the most suitable tax or not we have to evaluate all Hong Kong tax options. Tax Options for Hong Kong: 1- Reduce Personal Allowance: Hong Kong tax systems is one of the most generous tax systems in the world, as we have said earlier fewer than 40% of the work force pay taxes, some tax experts are suggesting the government reducing its tax free income allowance in order to increase tax collection revenues, experts say that a reduction in the basic allowance of 10% will raise about $2bn revenue, even if Hong Kong decided to reduce the personal allowance by 50% this will raise 90% of its traditional revenue from the existing tax base is simply contributing more revenue, this options will not be suitable to Hong Kong because it does not broaden the tax base, this option will increase the weight of salaries tax in the overall tax collection, KPMG Tax base study. 2- Expand the Existing Tax Base via imposing capital gains tax: this option is not considered the best option because it will affect investment decisions negatively and lead to capital outflow from the country and make the country lose its competitive advantage. Imposing capital gains tax may cause job losses and that will make the tax collection from salaries substantially less, so the gains from imposing capital gains tax will be offset by loss of tax from loss of income and salaries taxes. Imposing taxes on dividends may not lead to desirable results. 3- Increase corporate taxes: Increasing corporate taxes is one of the main issues that the government of Hong Kong is discussing, most of the analyst believe that this is not an option because increasing the corporate tax will simply cause damage to the position of Hong Kong in the global market, analysts think that there is a global trend to reduce corporate tax in all over the world. Analysts think that countries are in competition with each other to provide facilities and tax concessions to corporations. If Hong Kong increased its corporate tax, it would be very easy for corporations to shift their headquarters to somewhere else in the world. According to Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants the government of Hong Kong is suggesting giving more corporate tax concessions to corporations in the following three areas: A- Full profits tax exemption to regional headquarters/offices in Hong Kong in respect of management consultancy income Derived by the Hong Kong entity from associated entities Overseas. B- Exemption of interest income received by regional offices from Loans made in Hong Kong to their overseas associates. C- Group relief. D- Loss incurred in the current year of assessment should be permitted to be offset against the assessable profits of one previous year. 3- Introduce New Taxes: introducing new taxes (apart from VAT/GST) could an innovative solution to Hong Kong’s structural fiscal deficit. In fact, there is no limit to the number of taxes that a government could impose in order to provide suitable macroeconomic environment for development. For example, Hong Kong could introduce environmental taxes in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cars and factories, we all know that developed countries contribute significantly to the increasing stock of greenhouse gas emissions that causes global warming. Because Hong Kong has very busy airports and sea ports, Hong Kong could impose new taxes on land and sea departures. Experts advise the government to outsource the activities that it does not usually do efficiently, outsourcing will help the government reduce the deficit that is caused by inefficient use of resources. Experts did not only advise the government to introduce new taxes but also to abolish some taxes. For example, abolishing taxes on alcohol beverages in order to encourage wine tourism Experts think that applying this option will not solve Hong Kong’s structural deficit problem completely for the simple fact that Hong Kong has a reputation that it is a low tax country and if the government imposed taxes on several economic activities, Hong Kong reputation will be affected and this may have a damaging effect on the position of Hong Kong in the financial and business world. What experts are trying to say that Hong Kong government should introduce new taxes and abolish old taxes in order to keep the current balance of taxes and respond to the modern needs of the society (such as environmental taxes). 4- Broad-Based tax on general consumption: this could be VAT (Value Added Tax), GST (Goods and Services Tax) or Sales Tax. Kong’s structural deficit problems. Government says that a 3% GST will yield about $18bn which stands for 1.5% of GDP. Analysts recognize that GST is a powerful solution to Hong Kong’s Problem, 3% GST is capable of solving the problem, and in addition to that, 3% GST is in line with international standards. This tax is not only capable of covering the government expenditures but also capable of broadening the tax base since it is imposed on nearly all kinds of consumption. There are few points that the government needs to take in to its account when constructing the VAT/GST: It is recommended that the VAT/GST should be simple; simplicity is the common feature of Hong Kong tax system and keeping the proposed VAT/GST simple is consistent with the rest of the tax system. It is recommended that the VAT/GST should be comprehensive; in other words, it should include most goods and services in the economy, making the VAT/GST comprehensive will guarantee stable revenue to the government and will prevent further increases in the rate of VAT/GST. Stability: it is advised that the rate of the VAT should stay constant for 5-10 years to come, stability in the tax rate is very important in creating stable consumption and investment decisions, consumers will base their consumption decisions upon the prices of products and s
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Having focused on E.M Forster’s ‘A Passage to India’ and Paul Scott’s ‘The Jewel in the Crown’ it is evident that both novels share the central theme of contrasting views of Indian culture to reflect society from the time periods of which their novels are set. The form of ‘A Passage to India’ is a retrospective diary account dictated by an omniscient third person narrator who has multiple viewpoints which endeavours into the psychological mind set of the characters. The form allows the reader to experience a first-hand account and a view on the forefront of the minds of the characters’ experiences. ‘The roads, named after victorious generals and intersecting at right angles, were symbolic of the net Great Britain had thrown over India. He felt caught in their meshes.’ From this, the main protagonist Aziz is claiming that the ‘right angles’ which are marked out by the colonial roads, connotes the British illustration on how they organise their colony. By being ‘caught in their meshes’, Aziz is affected greatly by the ordeal at a psychological level as he is feeling individually trapped. This epitomises the society’s reaction during the British ruling as the readers are able to see how it affects Aziz on a personal level, but this is a common theme through the novel – the analysis of the minds of the characters. By using an omniscient narrator, Forster can exploit the character’s f laws, especially when we learn that ‘suspicion in the Oriental is a sort of malignant tumour, a mental malady, that makes him self-conscious and unfriendly suddenly’ which claims that Aziz is naturally dubious just because he is Indian. Equally, the form of Scott’s ‘The Jewel in the Crown’ is written in a third person narrative with multiple narrations ... ...ogan of Oceania from the novel. The party’s power of the psychological control is equally contradictory to that of their testimony of power. By stating that ‘war is peace’ it is arguable that Orwell writes this to show that having an enemy within your nation will bring the nation (in this case Oceania) united together just like India becomes united with the acts of Gandhi to fight for independence. In sum, through their dichotomies of the British and Indian relationship during the emergence of India to independence, Forster and Scott allow the reader to free themselves of their prejudices and open up to their views on historical culture. Forster ‘attaches to India through extravagant metaphorical meanings and anthropomorphisms’ whilst Orwell stated that he ‘didn’t do prophecy’ and that he would not ‘put anything into it that human societies have not already done.’
Saturday, October 12, 2019
JFK ASSASINATION THEORY Essays -- essays papers
JFK ASSASINATION THEORY November 22, 1963, was one of the darkest days in the history of the United States of America. It was a day of complete turmoil. People all over the country dropped everything that they were doing. Children were permitted to go home from school and people huddled around their televisions in shock as they watched the day's events. On this day, John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated in Dallas, Texas. John F. Kennedy was probably the most beloved and popular president to ever sit in the Oval Office. He was the icon of our country. His youth and charisma personified the American citizen. His beautiful wife and his two young children optimized the perfect family. His war hero and his highly educated manor earned the respect and reverence of American society. He was truly the "common man's" president. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. The Kennedy name had already been known throughout the country and many of his relatives were involved in politics. He was destined to make political noise in our country. His family was also extremely wealthy. His father was a financier and a businessperson who was rumored to have made a great deal of money from bootlegging during the Prohibition era. John F. Kennedy lived lavishly throughout his life. He attended an expensive college prep school in Connecticut during his high school years. He then went on to study semesters at Princeton and Harvard. As he grew older and more involved in politics, his campaigns were known for his large staff and private jet trips. His wealth also helped fund a televised debate which helped him to secure the presidential campaign against Richard Nixon. John F. Kennedy definitely did not allow his wealth to turn him into a spoiled pretty boy. He participated in football, swimming, and sailing while attending Harvard. He also served in the Navy during World War II. As a matter of fact, JFK worked out for five months to strengthen his lower back, which was injured in a football game, just so he could be accepted into the service. While commanding the torpedo boat PT- 109, he was responsible for saving the lives of his crew members. This turned into one of the most famous war stories in history and was later turned into a movie. His bravery during this famous event won him the Navy and Marine... ...nd he fought for what he believed in. But, the uncommon man; the politicians, the big businessmen, the criminals; they hated him. They did not respect the fact that he spoke his mind and fought for his beliefs. As stated above, he made a lot of enemies during his term and in the end I think they got their revenge. Kennedy's assassination was definitely a conspiracy. I believe it was one that involved many, many different people throughout the world. I also believe that the US government helped cover up what really happened and knows who is truly behind this sick plot. Maybe one day we'll find out who really is responsible for his death; maybe not. Until then, John F. Kennedy's body rests in Arlington National Cemetery alongside his loving wife. People go there to this day and break down in tears. It is truly a sad place to be. It is sad to see how much he meant to his people. It is sad to see that a man that was loved by so many, was also hated by some. WORKS CITED 1.Johnson,Glen. "Camelot Revisited." Associated Press, 1995. 2. 3. Http:// 4. Http:// 5. Http:// JFK ASSASINATION THEORY Essays -- essays papers JFK ASSASINATION THEORY November 22, 1963, was one of the darkest days in the history of the United States of America. It was a day of complete turmoil. People all over the country dropped everything that they were doing. Children were permitted to go home from school and people huddled around their televisions in shock as they watched the day's events. On this day, John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated in Dallas, Texas. John F. Kennedy was probably the most beloved and popular president to ever sit in the Oval Office. He was the icon of our country. His youth and charisma personified the American citizen. His beautiful wife and his two young children optimized the perfect family. His war hero and his highly educated manor earned the respect and reverence of American society. He was truly the "common man's" president. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. The Kennedy name had already been known throughout the country and many of his relatives were involved in politics. He was destined to make political noise in our country. His family was also extremely wealthy. His father was a financier and a businessperson who was rumored to have made a great deal of money from bootlegging during the Prohibition era. John F. Kennedy lived lavishly throughout his life. He attended an expensive college prep school in Connecticut during his high school years. He then went on to study semesters at Princeton and Harvard. As he grew older and more involved in politics, his campaigns were known for his large staff and private jet trips. His wealth also helped fund a televised debate which helped him to secure the presidential campaign against Richard Nixon. John F. Kennedy definitely did not allow his wealth to turn him into a spoiled pretty boy. He participated in football, swimming, and sailing while attending Harvard. He also served in the Navy during World War II. As a matter of fact, JFK worked out for five months to strengthen his lower back, which was injured in a football game, just so he could be accepted into the service. While commanding the torpedo boat PT- 109, he was responsible for saving the lives of his crew members. This turned into one of the most famous war stories in history and was later turned into a movie. His bravery during this famous event won him the Navy and Marine... ...nd he fought for what he believed in. But, the uncommon man; the politicians, the big businessmen, the criminals; they hated him. They did not respect the fact that he spoke his mind and fought for his beliefs. As stated above, he made a lot of enemies during his term and in the end I think they got their revenge. Kennedy's assassination was definitely a conspiracy. I believe it was one that involved many, many different people throughout the world. I also believe that the US government helped cover up what really happened and knows who is truly behind this sick plot. Maybe one day we'll find out who really is responsible for his death; maybe not. Until then, John F. Kennedy's body rests in Arlington National Cemetery alongside his loving wife. People go there to this day and break down in tears. It is truly a sad place to be. It is sad to see how much he meant to his people. It is sad to see that a man that was loved by so many, was also hated by some. WORKS CITED 1.Johnson,Glen. "Camelot Revisited." Associated Press, 1995. 2. 3. Http:// 4. Http:// 5. Http://
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