Tuesday, December 24, 2019
E Business Technologies By O. Jones And F. Tilley Essay
Chapter 11, of â€Å"Competitive advantage in SMEs†edited by O. Jones and F. Tilley discusses the adoption of e-business technologies by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This is an important issue discussed by Paul Windrum and Pascale de Derringer. It is important for SMEs to utilise and exploit information and communication technologies (ICTs) as when managed correctly, they have the potential to contribute to the business allowing the SME to gain a competitive advantage. Windrum and Derringer believe that ICTs have proven to be successful in increasing a firm’s competitiveness either by increasing the efficiency of internal operations and communication or by making it simpler to develop new or improved products and services. An example of when ICTs can be useful are in questionnaires or through online posts. Social media is a form of computer-mediated communications that allow the formation and sharing of a wide range of information via networks and virtua l communities. One common feature of social media is user-generated content (UGC). UGC encompassed all opinions, posts and comments alike that are submitted by social media users. By exploiting this one form of ICT it is axiomatic that this entity would have a competitive advantage over one that did not incorporate this ICT as it is easier to facilitate the development of new products when you know what the consumer wants. Windrum and Derringers’ study agrees with the latter and they explored this topic in greaterShow MoreRelatedMethods of Qualitative of Data Collection19658 Words  | 79 Pagessearch for truth in old texts. The use of documents often entails a specialized analytic approach called content analysis. The raw material for content analysis may be any form of communication, usually written materials (textbooks, novels, newspapers, e-mail messages); other forms of communication music, pictures, or political speechesâ€â€may also be included. Historically, content analysis was viewed as an objective and neutral way of obtaining a quantitative description of the content of various formsRead MoreLeadership Development42674 Words  | 171 Pagesmatters less than the implication that there is scope for adding value. It may be better to think of the opportunity in the UK as being to get distinctive advantage through better leadership and management, both through being good at old forms of business and quick to reap the advantages of new ones, rather than facing a catch-up, deficit situation. It is also concluded that there is no single form of management and leadership capability that enhances performance in the same way in all situationsRead MoreAccounting 1-4 Chapter100452 Words  | 402 PagesAssignments Go to WileyPLUS for practice and tutorials Read A Look at IFRS p. 42 study objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1 Describe the primary forms of business organization. 2 Identify the users and uses of accounting information. 3 Explain the three principal types of business activity. 4 Describe the content and purpose of each of the financial statements. 5 Explain the meaning of assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity, and state the basic accounting equationRead More1000 Word Essay85965 Words  | 344 Pagesis the ACS mission statement? The mission of the ACS center is to Facilitate commander’s ability to provide comprehensive, coordinated, and responsive services that support readiness of soldiers, civilian employees and their families. Maximize technology and resources, adapt to unique installation requirements, eliminate duplication in service delivery, and measure service effectiveness. (AR 608-1 Dec 2004 / 1-1 / PDF 9) What Army regulation covers ACS? AR 608-1 How is ACS staffed for the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Secrets About Monster Essay Topics Revealed
Secrets About Monster Essay Topics Revealed It's not advised to use phrases which could consist of vague definitions or controversial concepts. The word is often utilised in the essay. You need to be very careful when choosing an essay topic. Before writing, think carefully about this issue and the objective of your paper. Narrative essay topics Narrative essay is a little different from different types. If you're writing an essay on Frankenstein for the very first time, then our Frankenstein essay topics are going to be a terrific assistance for you. These topics may be used to compose an essay or any other academic paper, and you'll be able to read them through and produce your own ideas. There are many essay types, and at times the topic itself is as critical as the sort of the essay you're assigned. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Monster Essay Topics Is Wrong Othello plays an expert part in the shaping of her character. Light is a sign of knowledge. Handkerchief plays an important part in the plot and has a specific symbol in the game. Go over the differences and similarities between both of these characters, and the way their ambitions shaped not only their fate but in addition the results of the stories. I am going you prove to you this legend doesn't exist. Everyone appears to be seeking revenge inside this novel. The importance of the novel's title. Monster isn't a friendly word, whatever the context. At first, the Amahagger race appears to be what would be referred to as a degenerative race. Haggard also employs this passage to explore whether the notion of a monster is composed of class prejudices. Frankenstein is a scientist who wants to bring wisdom and life by producing the monster. Welcome to continue in touch by means of your paper writer controlling everything. Such a slice of work should have some emotional influence on your readers. The ideal amount of maternity leave. How to lead a healthful lifestyle working at the office. Furthermore, the objects and practices of popular culture may be an intriguing subject for study. Othello has different styles based on the task taken. This section in which you list your skills, wisdom and experience, Bacal states. To begin with, go through the fundamentals. Monster Essay Topics: the Ultimate Convenience! What racism is and the way to manage it. There is the problem of jealousy that's in the essay. How to address overpopulation. The matter of doctor-assisted suicide. Monster Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained His shocking appearance doesn't help matters. On the flip side, we've got ample testimony he is essentially a fantastic kid. I don't understand the reason why I must prove to really intellectual person this beast doesn't exist. Why making selfies can help improve your self-confidence. He grows to be quite lonely by putting his creation before his family and friends. How to select an appropriate college. Like a 12 year-old school girl. The Key to Successful Monster Essay Topics If reading an example you've got a wish to discover more about the objects' comparison, then its author has done a suitable job. In reality, portions of Harmon's diary evince a type of self-rage and indulgences in self-pity on the portion of the narrator. Place an order on our site, and a dozen talented writers will start bidding on it simultaneously. Try out these proven ideas to help beat writer's block. Look through actual topics that have an opportunity to hook your readers' interest. His work, full of wit and puns hasn't been replaced by another writer to date. All these word choices hint at the ominous tale which will come. Never turn in a very first draft, this 3 words ought to be followed to the letter. Writing an excellent essay might be a bit of cake if you're feeling inspired. Occasionally it only looks simple, but a great deal of students forget about the kind of academic writing they have to follow. So the overall grade for the paper might differ based on that. Inspect the advantages and disadvantages of Victor's compliance.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Doll’s House free essay sample
The two listening were the Kelvey girls, Lil and â€Å"our†Else. These two girls are shunned from the conversation because they are apart of a lower class than the Burnell girls and their friends. Later in the story, Isabel and her friends begin taunting the Kelveys by making fun of their clothing, their father, and their potential career. Kezia deviates from the upper class norm of separating themselves from others in another class, and invites the Kelveys to see her dollhouse. The girls reluctantly agree, and once the Burnell’s Aunt Beryl notices the children playing together, she sends them away. MAJOR THEME – CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS This short story was published in 1923, and was intended by Mansfield to comment on the nineteenth century social structure. During that time an extremely structured class based system was in place. In order of dominancy: the Proletariat, the Bourgeoisie (the working class), and the Peasants. In this story, the Burnell family represents the proletariat, and the Kelvey family represents the working class. We will write a custom essay sample on The Doll’s House or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Burnell’s children receive an exquisite dollhouse with so many realistic qualities (8-13, 22-29), while the Kelveys are wearing â€Å"hand-me-down†clothing, and clothing created from household fabrics (69-81). The distinction between the classes becomes apparent when the Burnells and their cronies are taunting the Kelveys about their family and social status. Mansfield recognizes the cruelty that these children have towards one another when their world is dominated by their parent’s ideas of separation between the classes (for example: Aunt Beryl will not allow the girls to even speak to the Kelveys (145)). However, Kezia seems to be an exception to the norm by inviting the Kelveys to see her dollhouse, knowing full well that it was not allowed. In short, Mansfield is discussing the difficulties dealing with class-consciousness and social ostracism in this society. She clearly has issues with the social hierarchy, and uses the children as an example of how this system continues because of the indoctrination by their parents. Have vs. Have Not SETTING – RURAL 19TH CENTURY The story clearly takes place within a rural setting in the nineteenth century. Proof of this is evident throughout the story as follows: â€Å"It was so big that the carter and Pat carried it into the courtyard†(2) * The mention of a carter dates this story, as a carter is a driver of horse drawn vehicles – automobiles arrived in the early 1900s * Courtyard also signifies that the place the Burnells live in is rural – large plot of land. This also represents the wealth of the family * †Å"Propped up on two wooden boxes beside the feed-room door. †(3) * A feed room indicates livestock and if there are livestock, you are living on a farm * â€Å"Powers that went with being the eldest†(38) Isabel is the oldest daughter and assumes the responsibilities of a â€Å"motherly†figure – true to the time period * â€Å"Boys’ playground†(45) * The mention of a playground strictly for boys shows that roughhousing is for males, and girls are to play with dolls. * â€Å"What a little guy she looked! †(73) * The comment made by Burnell girls about Lil Kelvey’s clothing represents not only Lil’s lower class, but also that girls should be dressed pretty * â€Å"Pat called for the Burnell children with the buggy and they drove home†(131) * The mention of a buggy dates this story to a time here there were no automobiles * â€Å"Went upstairs to change their pinafores†(132) * Pinafores were extremely pop ular with women during the Nineteenth century * â€Å"Looked over the hay paddocks, past the creek†(180) * Details a rural scene MOOD SYMPATHY The general mood of this story is one of sympathy towards the Kelvey girls. We experience with them the taunting by the Burnell girls about their dress and potential future careers. We also feel sympathetic when the Kelveys are â€Å"shooed†¦out as if they were chickens†(165-166) simply because they belong to a different social class from Kezia. However, one also seems to find sympathy for the Burnell girls because they do not seem to have the same sisterly bond as the Kelveys have for one another. Kezia and Lottie recognize that Isabel is the eldest, and she will have a certain power because of that. However, Lil and â€Å"our†Else seem to understand each other without words (79-81). At the end of this story, one feels that the class divisions should be changed because children should be able to play with dolls together, regardless of social status. USE OF LANGUAGE The story maintains similar sentence structure throughout the writing, and uses a space to indicate a separation in the day (receiving doll house amp; after) Definitions: This story uses several words that an average grade eleven or twelve student may not know. * Line 2 Carter: A driver of horse drawn vehicles; worker * Line 38 Buttercups: Poisonous plant common in grassland with yellow cup-shaped flowers * Line 64 Spry: Active * Line 66 Gaolbird: Cri minal who has been in jail repeatedly * Line 68 Conspicuous: Stand out Line 70 Serge: Durable * Line 83 Shamefaced: Feeling of shame/embarrassment * Line 100 Mutton: Deer * Line 107 Flagged: Less enthusiastic * Line 123 Shrilled: High-pitched voice * Line 125 Titter: Giggle * Line 132 Pinafores: Collarless, sleeveless dress tied or buttoned in the back * Line 180 Wattles: Rods/stakes interlaced with twigs or branches * Line 182 Cross: Angry * Line 69 – Stout: Brave Literary Terms: * Imagery: visually descriptive language * â€Å"There stood the doll house, a dark, oily, spinach green, picked out with bright yellow. Its two solid little chimneys, glued on to the roof, were painted red and white, and the door, gleaming with yellow varnish†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (8-10) * â€Å"Red carpet covered all the floors except the kitchen; red plush chairs in the drawing-room, green in the dining-room; tables, beds with real bedclothes, a cradle, a stove, a dresser with tiny plates and one big jug. †(23-25) * Simile: figure of speech comparing one thing with another thing of another kind (uses â€Å"like†or â€Å"as†) * â€Å"was like a little slab of toffee†(10) â€Å"like two little stray cats they followed†(153) * â€Å"shooed them out as if they were chickens†(165-166) * Personification: The attribution of human characteristics to something nonhuman * The lamp â€Å"seemed to smile at Kezia, to say, â€Å"I live here. ††(32) Contrast between Lil and Kezia’s language: Lines 142-145:â€Å"You can come and see our doll’s house if you want to,†said Kezia, and she dragged one toe on the ground. But at the Lil turned red and shook her head quickly. â€Å"Why not? †asked Kezia. Lil gasped, then she said, Your ma told our ma you wasn’t to speak to us†| Although the two girls attend the same school, the use of â€Å"you wasn’t†shows that Lil’s language is less sophisticated compared to Kezia’s. Lil’s line also shows that the Kelvey children accept the social division. Aunt Beryl’s language: Lines 6-7: â€Å"The smell of paint was quite enough to make any one seriously ill, in Aunt Beryl’s opinion. †Line 164: â€Å"Run away, children, run away at once. And don’t come back again. †Line 171: â€Å"Wicked, disobedient little girl! †| Aunt Beryl language shows that she is very cross, angry, and negative. â€Å"Our†Else’s language: Lines 76-81:â€Å"Nobody had ever seen her smile; she scarcely ever spoke. She went through life holding on to Lil, with a piece of Lil’s skirt screwed up in her hand. Where Lil went our Else followed. In the playground, on the road going to and from school, there was Lil marching in front and our Else holding on behind. Only when she wanted anything, or when she was out of breath, our Else gave Lil a tug, a twitch, and Lil stopped and turned round. The Kelvey’s never failed to understand each other. †| â€Å"Our†Else communicates with Lil without verbal language. It seems as though Lil can understand Else by the way she tugs on her skirt. It also mentions the Else rarely smiles – perhaps she has nothing she can smile at? Maybe the bond between Lil and Else is strong because of the hardships they have been through. Use of the word â€Å"real†: Line 10: â€Å" Four windows, real windows†Line 25: â€Å"Beds with real bedclothes†Line 33: â€Å"The lamp was real†Line 87: â€Å"You couldn’t tell it from a real one†| The story repeats the word â€Å"real†four times throughout this door in the context of the dollhouse. This represents the elegance and intricate details of the dollhouse, which is acceptable for use by upper class children. Societal Attitudes amp; Class Distinctions Line 54: â€Å"They knew better than to come anywhere near the Burnells†Lines 54-55: â€Å"The school the Burnel children went to was not at all the kind of place their parents would have chosen if there had been any choice. †Lines 61-63: â€Å"The Kelveys were shunned by everybody. Even the teacher had a special voice for them, and a special smile for the other children when Lil Kelvey came up to her desk with a bunch of dreadfully common-looking flowers. †Lines 99-102: â€Å"The little girls sat under the pines eating their thick mutton sandwiches and big slabs of johnny cake spread with butter. While always, as near they could get, sat the Kelveys, our Else holding on to Lil, listening too, while they chewed their jam sandwiches out of a newspaper soaked with large red blobs. Lines 109-111: â€Å"They wanted to be horrid to them††¦ â€Å"Lil Kelvey’s going to be a servant when she grows up†Lines 113-114: â€Å"Emmie swallowed in a meaning way and nodded to Isabel as she’d seen her mother do on those occasions. †| These lines represent the societal attitudes and class distinctions of the time. Animal Images Line 76: â€Å"little white owl†(referring to Else)Lines: 152-153: â€Å"like two little stray cat s they followed†Lines 165-166: â€Å"shooed them out as if they were chickens†Line 175: â€Å"now that she had frightened those little rats of Kelveys†| Kelveys are described with animal images; this emphasizes the ostracism they endure. Society’s Obsession with Appearance Lines 67-68: â€Å"And they looked it. Why Mrs. Kelvey made them so conspicuous was hard to understand. The truth was they were dressed in â€Å"bits†given to her by the people for whom she worked. †| This obsession with appearance represents the class separations – upper class concerned about what they look like, while the working class is concerned about where their next meal will come from. The Letter Aunt Beryl Received Lines 193-176: â€Å"The afternoon had been awful. A letter had come from Willie Brent, a terrifying, threatening letter, saying if she did not meet him that evening in Pulman’s Bush, he’d come to the front door and ask the reason why! But now she had frightened those little rats of Kelveys and given Kezia a good scolding, her heart felt lighter. That ghastly pressure was gone. †| Aunt Beryl is having an affair with a lower class man, and does not want anyone to find out about it. Even though she is hypocritical, she still disciplines Kezia for fraternizing with members of the lower class. Beryl feels better about herself because of this. Satirical Story The lives of the adults and the children are separated from one another * Kezia wants to be friends with the Kelveys, but Aunt Beryl won’t let her * The teacher had a â€Å"special voice†for Lil Kelvey SYMBOLS Lamp Can be interpreted in two ways: 1. Symbol of light and awakening; the truth. The lamp is in contrast with the other details of the doll’s house (stiff dolls, materialistic value of items). It is significant because it is Kezia’s favorite, and she is the only one who shows kindness to the Kelvey girls, and chooses to deviate from the norm. The quote â€Å"I seen the little lamp†(184) by â€Å"Our†Else also represents that Kezia and Else share the same values. 2. Lamp is a symbol of the working class to whom the Kelveys belong. The working class is responsible for creating wealth in the society, but is treated poorly by the rest of society. The lamp is sacrificial of the wealthy capitalists. Doll House The dollhouse is a symbol of the upper class people in society; exquisite, intricate detail with many materialistic items in the room. What you long to know about a house when you put your hand on the knocker†(18-19) * Refers to upper class households. â€Å"There stood the doll house, a dark, oily, spinach green, picked out with bright yellow. Its two solid little chimneys, glued on to the roof, were painted red and white, and the door, gleaming with yellow varnish†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (8-10)â€Å"Red carpet covered all the floors except the kitchen; red plush chairs in the drawing-room, green in the di ning-room; tables, beds with real bedclothes, a cradle, a stove, a dresser with tiny plates and one big jug. (23-25)â€Å"The father and mother dolls, who sprawled very stiff as though they had fainted in the drawing-room and their two little children asleep upstairs, were really too big for the doll’s house. †(30-31) * Reference to â€Å"stiff†parents show the parents unwillingness to question the social norms| POINT OF VIEW The tone of the story is very child-like. The author uses enthusiasm, and dialogue that would be used by young children: â€Å"But the perfect, perfect little house! Who could possibly mind the smell? It was part of the joy, part of the newness†(12-13) The story begins with an omniscient point of view, then to a view from the Burnell children, then alternates between the view of Kezia and Else. The reason Mansfield would have wanted this is because Kezia questions the social ostracism that the Kelveys endure simply because they are of a lower class. We are able to see into the mind of an upper class child stuck in a world where her parents are strict with their traditional rules. The choice to see Else’s point of view is to illustrate to the reader that Else and Kezia are related through the symbol of the lamp – they share the same values. It is also important to acknowledge the point of view from a children’s perspective to emphasis the separation between the children’s world versus their parent’s world, and the need for change in a class-based system. The language used shows childhood innocence, and the confusion about why they aren’t supposed to play with other children simply because of their social status. This short story is written in a modernist mode because it questions the cultural and societal realities of the day – class consciousness and social ostracism. CHARACTER LIST Aunt Beryl Aunt to the Burnell children, very cross lady, strict with emphasis of social ostracism, however is hypocritical because she is having an affair with a working class man. Upper Class Mrs. Hay Houseguest of the Burnells who gives the doll house to their daughters. The presence of Mrs. Hay visiting the Burnells shows that she is of upper class society because she is able to travel and give fancy gifts. Upper Class Pat Worker at the Burnell house (perhaps a farmhand), driver of the buggy which picks the Burnell girls up from school. Pat may be the man Aunt Beryl is having an affair with, but it is not explicit. Working Class Kezia Daughter of the Burnells, finds significance with the lamp, rejects social norms in regard to ostracism of the lower classes, younger sister of Isabel. Upper Class Isabel Eldest daughter of the Burnells; had power because of that. Allowed to choose which of their two friends can see the doll house first. She is also the only one who can describe the house to their friends. All children want to be her â€Å"special friend†(50). Isabel has a â€Å"proud†(84) voice when boasting about her new doll house. Upper Class Lottie Daughter of the Burnells, younger sister of Isabel. Upper Class Mrs. Kelvey Mother of Lil and Else; spry washerwoman. Lower Class Mr. Kelvey No where to be seen, but assumed to be a gaolbird. Lower Class Lil Kelvey Eldest daughter of Mr. amp; Mrs. Kelvey. She is stout, with big freckles. Wears a green art-serge dress with red sleeves made by her mother and a â€Å"grown-up woman’s hat†¦with a large scarlet quill†(71-73). Lil abides by the social rules in society, especially when asked by Kezia to come see her doll house: â€Å"Your ma told our ma you wasn’t to speak to us†(145); Lil only agrees to see the house when she sees Else’s reaction to her response. Lower Class â€Å"Our†Else Youngest daughter of Mr. amp; Mrs. Kelvey. Wears a long white dress like a nightgown and a pair of boy’s boots. Else is small with large eyes, rarely smiles or speaks. Follows Lil around everywhere; can communicate with her merely by pulling on her skirt. Else seems to share the same values as Kezia – questioning the social status and fondness of the lamp. The referral to Else as â€Å"our†represents Else’s youth and innocence in society. Lower Class Emmie Cole Chosen by Isabel Burnell to see the doll house first; taunts Lil Kelvey about becoming a servant when she grows up. Emmie represents the indoctrination her parents gave her about the social hierarchy. â€Å"Lil Kelvey’s going to be a servant when she grows up†(111) Upper Class Lena Logan Chosen by Isabel Burnell to see the doll house first; taunts Lil Kelvey with Emmie Cole for entertainment. When she taunts Lil and doesn’t get the reaction she wanted, she responds with an insult towards her father: â€Å"Yah, yer father’s in prison! †(126-127). Lena represents the indoctrination her parents gave her about the social hierarchy. She judges people by what career they have in society. Upper Class
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Shakespeare, William Comparing And Contrasting Hamlet And MacBeth Ess
Shakespeare, William: Comparing and Contrasting Hamlet and MacBeth Christine Tirman April 7th, 1999 Professor King Essay # 3 Comparing and Contrasting Hamlet and MacBeth Throughout William Shakespeare's plays Hamlet and Macbeth there are many similarities, along with many differences. These plays are both Shakespearean tragedies, which often use supernatural incidents to intrigue the reader's interest, and consists of a hero that has a tragic flaw. There are many comparative and contrasting aspects in these plays. The opening of Hamlet involves a supernatural, as does the opening of Macbeth. In the first scene the ghost of his father, King Hamlet, approaches Hamlet. Similarly, the opening of Macbeth involves the three witches. Although the witches can be seen by anyone they approach, the ghost of King Hamlet is only seen by Hamlet himself, and in one scene by Marcellus and Bernardo, Hamlet's servants. Similarly in both plays, the main characters are slightly suspicious of the actual powers these supernatural figures have. As the witches use their apparent powers to tell Macbeth the future, the ghost of King Hamlet tells Hamlet what has happened already. Hamlet states in one of his soliloquies ?The spirit that I have seen / may be the devil? (2.2.598-599). Macbeth also has his doubts because when the witches tell him that he will be named Thane of Cawder, Macbeth himself had not known, but many people had. It is possible the witches could have known. In the same matter in both plays, the presentation of the supernatural began to lead to the final downfall of each of the characters. In Macbeth, the three witches cause him to think and do evil deeds. In Hamlet, if he had not seen the ghost of his father, he would not have known that Claudius has killed his father to claim the throne. In both instances the characters gave into the nagging supernatural beliefs. And hence they lost their lives. Other characters in these plays show parallels in their plots. Both plays have a main character that portrays the king of that country. In Hamlet, the King of Denmark, Claudius is directly related to Hamlet. He is his uncle, and also his mother's new husband. However, in Macbeth the King of Scotland, King Duncan, is not directly related to the main character. Both plays do however, have the main character killing off the king in order to get the throne, which ultimately results in there own death. Horatio, in Hamlet and Banquo, in Macbeth share the same loyalty to the main characters. In both stories these friends are more skeptical of the supernaturals than the main characters themselves. In a meeting with the witches, Banquo challenges them to ?Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear / Your favours nor your hate? (1.3.60-61). In a scene where Horatio and Hamlet witness the ghost, Horatio tries to keep Hamlet from going with the ghost. He was even reluctant in the opening scene to go with Marcellus to hear about the ghost. Some themes in the plays are also similar. The way that the weeds and flowers illustrate good and bad in Hamlet is like the way the birds do in Macbeth. This is also true of the fair and foul theme in Macbeth and the indirections theme in Hamlet. In Macbeth, to the weird sisters, what is ugly is beautiful, and what is beautiful is ugly. Through the play fair appearances hide foul realities. This theme has a lot in common with the theme in Hamlet where the appearance varies from the reality. In contrast, one of the main themes in Macbeth is Manhood, while in Hamlet it is frailty, and more specifically, the frailty of women. It seems evident that Shakespeare used a strong, similar story line in these two tragedies. Apparently Macbeth and Hamlet are similar stories in numerous ways. These two plays seem different because of the variation in story lines, but in fact are very similar due to the parallel characters and themes.
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